The networking activities of INNOWA in the field of technology development and technology transfer consist of basically three phases:
Networking 1
 Starting the creation of Centers of Water and Membrane Technology (CWMT) as basis for concrete European-Asian technology co-operation projects in water treatment technologies
 Advanced training in latest innovative water treatment technologies
 Fostering contacts to experts in European companies who might be interested in technical applications and who can give input and support
 Build up of basis for joint technology development work between the partners

Networking 2
 Build up of new laboratory equipment in the field of water treatment technology at SUST, Bangladesh and JPU, China as basic facility of CWMT
 Expert trainees educated in Italy and Germany (training1,2 and networking1) will foster active know-how transfer to local research groups
 Collaboration with experts in water treatment companies and governmental organisations in the target countries
Networking 3
 Active technology development and applied research on water treatment and dissemination of the results
 Development of appropriate water treatment processes to be ready for technology transfer to local industrial partners
 Expert trainees educated in Italy and Germany will act as multipliers by disseminating their acquired knowledge to academic staff of the partner institutes
 Preparing basis for long term sustainable projects with industrial partners by intensifying contacts to industrial sector in Europe and Asia
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